Kenya: dismembered body of missing woman found in a Meru Hill

the following article contains graphic details which may upset some readers.

An unexplained murder in Meru County, Kenya. Police said the motive of the murder is yet to be known. The investigators suspect a ritual in the murder.

The decomposed body of a woman was found on top of Maundu Hills. The victim was Lorna Kinya, 20-years old, who had gone missing since March 8. She was found with dismembered body parts. Her right breast and her eyes were missing. There were indications that she might have been strangulated. For ritual purposes? No one knows. The investigators suspect a ritual in the murder but at the time of publication of the reported crime no arrest had been made.

“Meru is one of the 47 counties of Kenya, (….) The main feature of the county is a famous mountain, Kenya—Batian (5,199 m / 17,057 ft)—the highest and the most prominent point of the Kenya volcano, which is the second-highest mountain in Africa after Kilimanjaro. (…) In total there are 152 named mountains in Meru.” Source: Meru

Lorna Kinya isn’t the first murder victim in the region. Police are investigating eight murder incidents in the Mutuati area alone. Reportedly, the increase in violent crimes including murder is linked to vigilantes which are operating in the area and are being sponsored by some local politicians and businessmen. 

Dismembered body of missing woman found in a Meru Hill

Published: March 13, 2024
By: Kahawatungu, Kenya

Detectives are investigating a bizarre murder incident in a village in Meru County after a body of a missing woman was found with dismembered body parts.

Police said the incident was reported in Tigania West’s Amwari area where a decomposed body of a woman was found on top of Maundu Hills.

Herders told police they found the body at the scene on Tuesday before a team visited there.

It was later established that the body was one Lorna Kinya, 20 who had gone missing since March 8 and was lying there.

The police said the woman’s right breast was missing.

Her tongue was also protruding which was a sign of strangulation and the eyes were missing.

Police said the face had injuries at the time the body was discovered.

The body also had pieces of ropes with knots while a pair of blue sandals, a panga stained with blood, a blue jeans and brown jacket were lying at the scene.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and probe.

Police said no arrest has been made and the motive of the murder is yet to be known.

The investigators suspect a ritual in the murder.

Police say they have noticed increased killings in the region and which are linked to vigilantes operating there.

The groups are being sponsored by some local politicians and businessmen and have been linked to a number of murder incidents.

For instance, police are investigating eight murder incidents in Mutuati area alone.

The incidents have been linked to the gangs operating in the area with the blessings of some politicians.

Source: Dismembered Body of Missing Woman Found in a Meru Hill

The Meru or Amîîrú (including the Ngaa) are a Bantu ethnic group  that inhabit
the Meru region of Kenya. More…. click here

Uganda: witchdoctor arrested over murder of two siblings in ritual sacrifice

Due to time constraints I haven’t posted much recently. The ritual murder reported below dates from early April. A witchdoctor killed two childen for ritual purposes in Kiboga District, approximately 120 kilometres (75 mi), by road, northwest of Kampala, Uganda’s capital. The headless bodies of the victims were discovered the day after the two children, siblings, got missing. 

The police and authorities in Uganda are to be commended for their swift action. The witchdoctor, Sulaiman Ssentongo, and an accomplice, Maureen Namuleme, were arrested. More arrests are not excluded.

Witchdoctor arrested over murder of two siblings in ritual sacrifice

Published: April 9, 2024
By: The Observer, Uganda

The directorate of crime intelligence (DCI) has arrested a witch doctor, Sulaiman Ssentongo, suspected of having killed two children in Kiboga on Wednesday last week for ritual sacrifice.

After committing the crime, Ssentongo reportedly fled to Kireka, Kira Municipality, in Wakiso district. Shock engulfed residents of Kasega parish, Kapeke sub-county, when the siblings; Sylvia Nantongo aged five and Esther Nakasumba aged two mysteriously went missing. Locals launched a search for the siblings on Wednesday night and their headless bodies were discovered the next day. 

Upon finding the bodies, police in Kiboga launched investigations using sniffer dogs which ended up at Ssentongo’s shrine. It was later established that Ssentongo aged 32 had fled the area with the help of his accomplice Maureen Namuleme, aged 41.

Kiboga police quickly alerted DCI and the police’s cyber unit which started tracking the duo’s movement using a mobile phone until they were found hiding in Kireka township, one of the busiest suburbs of Kampala. 

Detectives have revealed that Ssentongo has confessed that he was given transport money to run to safety after committing the crime by Namuleme – something which he later denied. The duo has been transported back to Kiboga where they allegedly committed the crime. SP Racheal Kawala, Wamala regional police spokesperson, has confirmed Ssentongo and Namuleme’s arrest.

“Our crime intelligence operatives have apprehended two suspects in connection with the double murders that occurred in Kasega parish, Kapeke sub-county, Kiboga district. The suspects have been identified as Sulaiman Ssentongo, 32 years old Namuleme Maureen, 41 years old,” said Kawala. 

Ssentongo is a resident of Kirinda village, Kasega parish, Kapeke sub-county, in Kiboga district while Namuleme is a resident of Kisingiri cell, Namiremebe Bakuli ward, Rubaga division, Kampala. 

Kawala said Ssentongo was tracked using his mobile phone. She also said that Ssentongo alleges that Namuleme is the person who helped him with money to flee the scene. 

“The suspects are currently detained at Kiboga CPS for interrogation, bringing the total number of arrests to three. Preliminary findings suggest that on April 3, 2024, at 10:00 pm, two children, were reported missing. Unfortunately, their torsos were discovered on April 4, 2024, in Kirinda village, Kasega parish, Kapeke sub-county,” Kawala explained.

However, it is not yet clear whether the children were alone at the time they were abducted by the witch doctor or whether there was assistance from a close relative since they went missing in the night hours.

Source: Witchdoctor arrested over murder of two siblings in ritual sacfrice

Kiboga District, Uganda

Burkina Faso: Three-year old child murdered in Ouagadougou – Mob justice leads to death of two suspected ritual murderers

Reports on ritual murders in Burkina Faso are scarce but this does not imply that this West African country is spared these gruesome crimes. In the past I’ve posted a few articles on the grim fate of persons with albinism in this country and on the belief in witchcraft and superstition in this landlocked country in the Sahel zone of the African continent.

On April 1 a gruesome crime took place in the capital Ouagadougou, in the neighborhood of Rayongo. A three-year old boy, David Ouédraogo, was unscrupulously murdered; it all looked like a ritual murder. The angry crowd attacked and killed two suspects, allegedly foreigners, a third suspect had more luck and was handed over to the police.

The mother of David, Sarata Ouédraogo, a woman in her thirties, is devastated and beyond consolation. She shares her ordeal with a reporter of Omega Medias – clicking the following link will give access to her sad story.

Screenshot – Sarata Ouédraogo, mother of David, tells her story – to listen to her click here (in French)

Meurtre d’un enfant de 3 ans à Rayongo : Sur la piste d’un crime rituel

Three-year old child murdered in Rayongo-Ouagadougou – mob justice leads to death of two of three suspected ritual murderers

Published: April 4, 2024
By: Charles Dah – Omega Medias, Burkina Faso

Les habitants de rayongo, quartier de la ville de Ouagadougou ont été frappés de stupeur ce lundi 1er avril 2024. La cause, un enfant de 3 ans a été violemment tué. Ses bourreaux seraient trois hommes de nationalité étrangère dont le comportement suspect a attiré l’attention des habitants du quartier. Courroucés, ces derniers finiront par lyncher à mort deux des trois suspects, le troisième quant à lui a été remis aux forces de l’ordre. L’émotion était toujours vive à notre passage, trois jours après le drame et la mère demeure inconsolable.

72 heures après la survenue de l’indicible fait macabre, nous voici sur les lieux du drame. Assis sous un dattier, un groupuscule d’hommes devise à deux pas du domicile familial des Ouedraogo. Touchée par la perte d’un des leurs, un enfant de 3 ans, la famille reçoit les condoléances des habitants du quartier et de ceux venus d’ailleurs. Sur place, l’émotion est vive.

Un peu plus loin, à l’intérieur de la cour, des femmes sont installées. Sur leurs visages se lisent stupeur et désarroi. Par moments, des sanglots montent du groupe, des pleurs dûs à la douleur de la perte brutale et violente du petit David, égorgé par ses bourreaux.

Après échange avec la famille, l’on nous conduit sur la scène du crime située à deux cents mètres du domicile des Ouédraogo.

Sur place, une odeur fétide flotte dans l’air. A l’intérieur de la maison où l’enfant a été tué, du sang, depuis coagulé, recueilli dans des calebasses et des Canaris.
C’est un décor macabre qui a tout d’un crime rituel digne des films d’horreur les plus glaçants. Tout porte à croire que ce sang contenu dans les calebasses est celui de la victime, l’enfant de 3 ans.

Encore effondrée, Sarata Ouédraogo, mère du petit David, la trentaine révolue, yeux rouges, est assise au milieu d’un groupe de dames sur une natte. Visiblement affaiblie par la triste nouvelle, elle s’appuie contre un mur de la maison pour se tenir debout afin de nous expliquer son calvaire. C’est une mère abattue, que nous avons rencontrée ce mercredi 3 avril.
Elle n’arrive toujours pas à croire comment des personnes qui vivaient dans la même cour qu’elle aient pu commettre un acte aussi ignoble, égorger son enfant.
<< Est-ce qu’ils peuvent me faire ça ? On est dans la même maison, c’est moi-même qui prépare et puis vous mangez. Tout ce qu’ils veulent, ils viennent me demander et je leur donne. Jusqu’à ce qu’ils m’appellent maman.>> nous relate la jeune mère entre deux sanglots.

Dame Ouédraogo a été séparée de son fils à jamais. De terribles adieux que la famille Ouédraogo et les habitants du quartier Rayongo digèrent difficilement.

Les faits remontent au lundi 1er avril. En partance au marché la mère de David le laisse à la maison sous la surveillance de la grande sœur de ce dernier. A son retour du marché, plus de David. Malgré de rapides recherches dans le voisinage, pas de nouvelles. Sarata Ouedraogo va questionner un de ses voisins de nationalité étrangère pour savoir s’il a aperçu l’enfant, l’homme lui répond que l’enfant était avec lui il y a à peine 3 minutes. Une réponse qui va semer un doute profond.

Comble de la malice, ledit voisin va même rejoindre un groupe d’habitants, pour poursuivre les recherches, avec probablement pour objectif de donner du temps à ses acolytes pour se débarrasser du corps de l’enfant.
Mais, l’instinct maternel de dame Ouedraogo fini par prendre le dessus. Elle lance au voisin<< Mon enfant est ici (dans la maison du voisin, NDLR). Mon enfant n’est pas ailleurs. Mon enfant est ici. (…) Moi-même je sens que l’enfant est ici.(…) Ce que je sais seulement, c’est que mon enfant est toujours dans cette maison >>. Sarata Ouedraogo nous explique avoir insisté et persisté. Puis elle décide de faire le pied de grue devant la porte de ceux qu’elle soupçonne être à l’origine de la disparition du petit David.

Pendant ce temps, la mobilisation des habitants pour retrouver l’enfant prend de l’ampleur.
Il faudra attendre vers 22h, pour enfin savoir ce qui s’est passé et cela grâce à la contribution d’un homme de tenue arrivé sur place.

<< Quand ils (les habitants du quartier, NDLR) sont partis maintenant, il (le voisin présumé coupable, NDLR) voulait fuir. Le gars (l’homme de tenue, Ndlr) est tourné derrière (à l’arrière de la maison, Ndlr). Il voit quelque chose qui est attaché déposé. Il a voulu soulever, c’est lourd. Djahh c’est mon enfant qui est dedans.>> Ajoute Sarata qui s’effondre en larmes avant de poursuivre <<C’est déjà gâté. Ils ont déjà tué l’enfant.>>.

Les présumés auteurs du crime rituel seront lynchés sur le champ par une foule en colère seul l’un des trois sera remis aux forces de l’ordre arrivées plus tard sur les lieux.

<< C’est une grande tristesse pour nous les membres de la famille. Même si tu es étranger à l’enfant, être témoin de ce drame et tu n’es attristé, tu auras menti.(…) Moi quand j’étais arrivé sur les lieux du drame, j’étais dépassé, car tu mets au monde un enfant et l’élève jusqu’à cet âge et quelqu’un l’egorge comme un poulet, vraiment c’est une perte, une énorme perte>> lâche Sambo Ouedraogo, oncle de la victime.

Le corps sans vie du petit David, ceux de deux des présumés auteurs du meurtre et leur complice rescapé ont été amenés par les forces de l’ordre après les constatations d’usage.

La mère du petit David, en état de choc reste inconsolable. A Rayongo, les habitants sont eux, toujours plongés dans la stupeur.

Ibrahim Niaoné & Abdoul Aziz Zoulabou

Source: Meurtre d’un enfant de 3 ans à Rayongo : Sur la piste d’un crime rituel

The plight of persons with albinism in Africa

Albinism is an inherited condition leading to a very light skin, hair and eyes. The question: ‘What is albinism?’ is treated in detail elsewhere on the present site (click here to access the information).

There’s a persistent superstition that organs and other body parts of a person with albinism contain magical or supernatural powers. Hence persons with albinism are often targeted by criminals who attack and/or murder them. In their social environment people with albinism are often discriminated, insulted or otherwise maltreated.

On multiple occasions I have drawn attention here on the plight of persons with albinism in countries in west, central, eastern and southern Africa including Mali, Nigeria, Burundi, the DRC, Tanzania, Mozambique, Eswatini (former Swaziland), Zambia, Malawi, the Republic of South Africa), Namibia and Madagascar. You may access the relevant posts and articles by using the dropdown menu under ‘African countries’ and/or the search button.

Moreover, those interested inn previous posts may click the following three links with access to reports on violence against persons with albinism in nearly 30 African countries:
Africa’s shameful acts of racism: the plight of persons with albinism (PLWA) in Africa
Devastating 2019 report on attacks of persons with albinism in 28 African countries
Shocking report on rural infanticide, violence against children accused of witchcraft, and ritual attacks against children with albinism in 19 SSA countries

The article presented below focuses on the situation of persons with albinisme in Angola and elaborates further on the plight of people living with albinism in various SSA countries.

The plight of persons with albinism in Sub-Saharan Africa

Edna Cedrick holds her surviving albino son after his twin brother who had albinism was snatched from her arms in a violent struggle in 2016. Cedrick says she is haunted daily by images of the decapitated head of her 9 year old son. At least 18 Albino people have been killed in Malawi in a “steep upsurge in killings” since November 2014, and five others have been abducted and remain missing, according to Amnesty International. Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi / AP Photo

Published: April 1, 2024
By: Atlas News

What You Need to Know:

81 families with Albinism in Angola’s Bié Province have received assistance totalling nearly $12,000 dollars (10 million kwanzas) in the first phase of a social protection program aimed at providing support to Angola’s most vulnerable. 

This current program operates under the ‘Kwenda Program’ – a government program focused on creating policies to support the country’s poorest and most vulnerable residents. 

The program has received 320 million USD from the World Bank as well as 100 million USD from Angola’s National Treasury.

Alongside the financial support, sunscreen and other sun protection materials have been distributed to albinos across the country. Lack of sun protection poses a major health risk for albinos in Africa, with up to 90% dying before the age of 40. 

There are an estimated 6,818 people living with albinism in Angola who often face social exclusion, which contributes to their continued impoverishment as a large part of the stigma around albinism has to do with the fact that witchcraft is heavily prevalent in Southern Africa. 

The Details:

Across Southern Africa, particularly Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, and Burundi, people with albinism are thought to hold supernatural powers. As a result, the killing of albinos in order to use their body parts in various rituals is somewhat common. 

The belief in many rural communities across Southern Africa is that the use of the body part of an albino in a witchcraft ritual may bring wealth, power or protection to the individual the ritual is intended for.

Albinism refers to the inability of the body’s skin cells to produce melanin, melanin is responsible for the colouration of eyes, hair and skin. Thus, those with albinism appear extremely pale. 

In Tanzania, albinos are referred to as ‘zeru zeru’ which translates to ‘ghosts.’ 

Additionally, there is a large trade in the body parts of albinos, with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights claiming an entire albino corpse can be sold for upwards of $75,000, while albino arms or legs can be sold for up to $2,000. 

So, What Now?:

Angola’s social program signals a positive step towards the protection of albinos in the country. However, Angola is still an extremely impoverished country with 32% of the population living under the national poverty line, In rural areas that number jumps to 54%. 

Thus, although this program will bring relief for many affected albino families, a wider effort to combat impoverishment and raise living standards is needed across the country. 

Source: 81 Angolan Albino Families Receive Assistance From Social Protection Program

Ghana, Volta Region: seven arrested for abducting and killing a 12-year boy (2021 article)

The following is not the first reported ritual murder case in Ghana’s eastern Volta Region. On previous occasions I posted other murder cases. Interestingly, also in these cases a fetish priest played a key role. See my posts dated February 13 of this year, May 15, 2020 and August 12, 2019.

The Kpetoe District Police is to be commended for their swift action leading to the arrest of seven suspects. Five of the seven suspects have admitted their roles in the killing of the boy. Read the details below.

Warning: The articles’ graphic contents my upset some readers (FVDK).

Seven arrested for abducting and killing 12-year boy at Nornyikpo, Volta Region

Published: June 25, 2021
By: Emmanuel Kwame Amoh, 3News, Ghana

The Kpetoe District Police have arrested seven persons in connection with the recent abduction and subsequent killing of a 12-year-old boy, Cornelius Negble at Nornyikpo, a farming community in Agotime-Ziope District of the Volta Region.

The suspects are; Hunor Kofi Koko alias Ando Kofi, 30, Anani Koko, 23, Senanu Ashitor Atsikpo, 28, Kwamevi Kagbetor 37, Louis Etse, 25, Kudzo Akpatsu, 49 and Fianyo Sandema, 39.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP), Mr Edward Oduro Kwateng, Volta Regional Commander, in a briefing to the media, said on May 22, 2021 at about 0700 hours, one Mary Amewornu reported to the Police at Kpetoe that her grandson had gone missing.

He said about 1830 hours same day, the Assembly member for Atsrulume Electoral Area with help of five others arrested suspect Senanu Ashitor Atsikpo upon suspicion that he was the architect of the disappearance of the deceased and handed him over to the Police.

The Commander said the Police re-arrested the suspect and detained him to assist in investigations.

DCOP Kwateng said on May 26, 2021, Police gathered information to the effect that Atsikpo acted in concert with two other accomplices to abduct and kill the deceased for ritual purposes at a shrine at Nudowukorpe, near Tadzewu.

He said Police quickly went to shrine but could not find the suspects, however, on May 31, Police returned to the shrine and arrested them.

The Commander said the body of the boy which was put in a sack and buried in one of the rooms was exhumed with maggots all over it.

DCOP Kwateng said one Sanya motorbike with registration number M-19-VR-1348 used to convey the body, one pair of black slippers belonging to the deceased were retrieved from the murder scene, whiles a single slipper, a set of dresses and one duster were also retrieved from the shrine.

He said the Environmental Health Officers conducted inspection on the body and it was revealed that the intestines, kidney heart and penis of the deceased have been removed.

Mr Kwateng said the body was sent to Police Hospital in Accra for preservation and autopsy.

DCOP Kwateng said Police proceeded to arrest suspect Kudzo Akpatsu, father of suspect Morris Etse who is currently at large, Kwami Kagbetor, Louis Etse, who were implicated in the conspiracy from the hideouts.

He said further investigation revealed that suspect Atsikpo, a native of Ative, deals in human parts and promised to get a fetish priest, Hunor Kofi Koko, human parts to perform sacrifices to build a new deity to be named Agbavor.

The Commander said Hunor Koko then instructed Anani and Morris to meet Atsikpo at Nornyikpo for the sacrifices, and Atsikpo directed them via phone call to meet him at a location to undertake their plans.

Mr Kwateng said during the meeting of the trio, Atsikpo called the boy to accompany him to a forest, and he obliged, and at the forest the trio killed him, put his body in a sack and conveyed it on a motor bike to the shrine for the rituals.

DCOP Kwateng said at a meeting a witness eavesdropped on their conversation, but did not know who the target was until the disappearance of the boy was noticed.

He disclosed that when Hunor and his accomplices knew that police were after them, they escaped to Aflao and eventually crossed the border to Togo.

The Commander said on June 18, 2021, the Police secured warrant of arrest and extradition order from a court to enable them to arrest the suspects in the Republic of Togo.

He said on June 19, this year, Interpol Togo arrested Hunor Koko and his brother Anani Koko at Voga in Togo and extradited them to Ghana to assist in investigations.

DCOP Kwateng said five out of the seven suspects, admitted their roles in killing of the boy, and have been remanded into police custody by Kpetoe District Magistrate Court to reappear on July 5, 2021.

Source: GNA

Source: Seven arrested for abducting and killing 12-year boy at Nornyikpo

Ghana’s Volta Region bordering the republic of Togo


Chilling details of how suspects killed 12-year-old boy in Nornyikpo for rituals

Published: June 24, 2024
By: Fred Quame Asare – MyJoyOnline, Ghana

Screenshot – to listen to the article click here

Seven persons have been arrested in connection with the disappearance and murder of 12-year-old Cornelius Negble at Nornyikpo in the Agotime-Ziope District of the Volta Region. 

The suspects included Hunor Kofi Koko, 30, a spiritualist, 30, Kwamevi Kagbeto, 37, Anani Koko, 23, Senanu Ashitor Atsikpo, 28, Louis Etse, 25 and Fianyo Sandema 39 and Kudzo Akpatsu, 49 and father of suspect Morris, who is at large. 

According to the Police, five of the suspects admitted to playing various roles in the abduction and killing of the deceased for ritual purposes and narrated how the murder was orchestrated and executed. 

The Volta Regional Police Commander, DCOP Edward Oduro Kwateng, said one of the suspects, Mr Ashitor Atsikpo who deals in human parts, told them he was aided by two assigns of Mr Hunor Kofi, Mr Anani Koko, and Mr Morris to kill the boy.

This was after they succeeded in luring him into a nearby forest.

The corpse was delivered to the shrine of Mr Hunor Kofi in Nudowukorpe in fulfilment of a promise by Mr Ashitor Atsikpo to make available human parts to use in performing sacrifices in building a new deity. 

DCOP Edward Oduro Kwateng detailed that preliminary investigations revealed Mr Senanu’s involvement in the murder of the little boy for ritual purposes. 

He explained a second visit to Mr Hunor Kofi’s shrine led to the exhumation of the 12-year-old boy’s head while his maggot-infested headless body was kept in a sack. His kidney, heart and penis were removed. 

He added that “one Sanya motorbike with registration number M-19-VR-1348 used in conveying the body of Cornelius Negble, one pair of slippers belonging to the deceased was recovered from where the killing took place.”

“A single slipper recovered from the shrine at Nuduwukorpe belonging to Senanu Ashitor Atsikpo, a set of dresses belonging to Hunor Kofi Koko, but recovered from Senuanu Ashitor Atsikpo. It is worthy to note here that because Senanu had his clothes drenched in blood, he requested Hunor Kofi Koku to issue him a new set of dresses. This was done to avoid any suspicion. One duster belonging to Anani Koko was also retrieved from the shrine. All items retrieved are retained for evidential purpose”, he explained. 

“The body has since been removed and sent to the Police Hospital in Accra for preservation and autopsy”, he said. 

He explained it took a collaborative effort with their counterparts in Togo to arrest Hunor Kofi, who fled to the neighbouring country upon sensing danger.

All seven suspects have been remanded into Police Custody by Samuel Essel Walker after they were arraigned before the Kpetoe District Magistrate Court and would reappear on July 5, 2021. 

He, therefore, urged the public to timely inform the police on suspected criminal acts to avert the unfortunate from happening.

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Source: Chilling details of how suspects killed 12-year-old boy in Nornyikpo for rituals


Ho: Fetish priest, six others arrested for murder of 12-year-old boy

Published: June 25, 2021
By: Feisel Abdul-Iddrisu – Starrfm, Ghana

Police in the Volta region have arrested seven persons in connection with the abduction and subsequent murder of a 12-year old boy, Cornelius Negble at Nornyikpo, a village near Ziope in the Agotime-Ziope district of the Volta region.

The suspects, Senanu Ashitor Attipoe, 28, Hunor Kofi alias Ando Kofi, aged 30, Anani Koko, 23, Kwamevi Kagbetor, aged 37, Louis Etsey, 25, Kudzo Akpatsu, 49 and Sandema Fianyor, 49 who were arrested at separate hideouts and on different days have been remanded into police custody by the Kpetoe District Magistrate Court to re-appear on Monday, 5 July, 2021 while investigations continue.

Background to the case

According to the Volta Regional Police Commander, DCOP Edward Oduro Kwanteg, on May 22, 2021, one Mary Amewonu reported to the Kpetoe police that her grandson Cornelius Negble (now deceased) had gone missing at Nornyikpo. As a result, the Kpetoe police immediately commenced investigations into the incident.

On the same day, Senanu Ashitor Attipoe, was arrested by some village folks upon suspicion that he was the architect in the disappearance of the 12-year old boy. The suspect was then handed over to the police to assist investigations.

Upon interrogation, the police gathered information that the suspect, Senanu Ashitor Attipoe had abducted the young boy and subsequently killed him with the help of two others -Anani Koko and one Morris (now at large) for ritual purposes at a shrine at Nudowukorpe in the Akatsi North District.

On May 26, 2021 a police team was dispatched to the shrine but met none of the other suspects.

Subsequently, on Monday, 31 May 2021 the police and a team of Environmental Health Officials arrived at the shrine again to effect the arrest of the abductors only to find the severed head of the victim buried in one of the rooms while the remaining maggots infested body was kept in a sack.

Upon examination, it emerged that body parts of the deceased including his manhood, kidney, intestines and heart were removed. The body was then deposited at the police hospital in Accra for preservation and autopsy.

Arrest of other suspects

Later same day, suspects Kudzo Akpatsu, Kwamevi Kagbetor and Louis Etsey who were implicated in the conspiracy were arrested from their hideouts.

Unfortunately, when the fetish priest, Hunor Kofi Koko and his assigns learnt of police pursuit, they escaped to Aflao and eventually crossed the border into the Republic of Togo.

But on Saturday, 19 June 2021, Interpol in Togo succeeded in arresting the escapees which included the fetish priest and his brother Anani Koko at Voga in Togo after police in Ghana had secured a warrant of arrest and extraction order from the court.

Modus Operandi

Further investigations have revealed that the prime suspect, Senanu Ashitor Attipoe deals in human parts and promised same for Hunor Kofi Koko alias Ando Kofi to perform sacrifices in building a new deity.

As a result, the fetish priest instructed his assigns, Anani Koko and Morris to meet Senanu at Nornyikpo for the intended human sacrifice.

But Senanu’s attempts to direct his partners to the location through a phone conversation was eavesdropped by a witness (name withed) who at the time did not know who the target was until the disappearance of the 12-year old boy.

When the trio finally met, Senanu then called the unsuspecting young boy, Cornelius Negble to accompany him to a nearby forest. Upon getting to the forest, Senanu is said to have gripped the victim by the neck and forcibly pushed him to the ground and then called his accomplices who were already trailing them. The trio then killed the victim, put the body in a sack and conveyed same on a motorbike to Nudowukorpe for the rituals.

At a press briefing in Ho on Thursday, the Volta regional police command called on the public to volunteer with information towards the arrest of the last suspect only known as Morris, while urging the public to also support with any information that will aid investigations into the gruesome murder.

Source: Ho: Fetish priest, six others arrested for murder of 12-year-old boy

And read:

Seven arrested for abducting and killing 12-year boy at Nornyikpo

Published: June 25, 2021

Source: Seven arrested for abducting and killing 12-year boy at Nornyikpo

South African man abducted, hands amputated in suspected muti attack

Unfortunately, ‘muti’ murders and violence related to ‘muti’ – literally: traditional medicine, but in practice closely associated with witchcraft – are no exception in Southern Africa notably in the Republic of South Africa. Numerous cases have been reported on this site (for specific cases: please use the scroll down menu ‘African countries’ to access ‘South Africa’).

The accompanying article presented below also confirms this sad and often cruel realty which is widespread in South Africa and neighboring countries. Reportedly, an academic investigation revealed that in South Africa alone, in 2001 almost 2500 individuals were caught with body parts in their possession, a frightening statistic. Moreover, discovered bodies with parts missing are no exception whereas it is very likely that some bodies are never found and thus, reported cases of ‘muti’ violence and murder constitute in fact the tip of the iceberg.

South African Man Abducted, Hands Amputated in Suspected Muti Attack

Published: March 24, 2024
By: Atlas News

What You Need to Know:

A 30-year-old walking during the early hours of the morning in Vosman, near Witbank, was attacked by six unidentified assailants on March 20th. The man had his hands and feet bound, and was told by his attackers that they planned to kill him. Instead, the attackers took the victim into a bush, amputated both of the victims hands, and took off with his body parts, leaving him to die. 

Security services arrived at the scene and the man is currently recovering in hospital. Police have opened a case of attempted murder, but have yet made no breakthroughs in locating the attackers. 

Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, Provincial Police Commissioner in Mpumalanga stated, “though the victim was not killed however the acts committed by the suspects are heartless and should be strongly condemned in the strongest possible way.” 

The Details:

Muti, also known as umuthi in Zulu, is an alternative word for medicine in some localities but colloquially refers to witchcraft. Muti is characterized by the use of body parts in rituals to bring protection or strength to an individual or tribe. Oftentimes, victims are healthy young males, or the strongest warrior from a rival tribe. 

‘Muti murders’ involve the ritual killing of an individual for the use of the victims body parts in creating ‘magical medicine.’ As stated by Harriet Ngubane, a South African Anthropologist, “in a definable part of southern African medical practice … ethics permit a practitioner to recommend in certain special cases a ritual killing.”

“Ritual homicide [carries] very high professional fees … The inyanga [expert] who prescribes a muti homicide … arrives at his advice … within the … worldview of African traditional medicine.” 

However, with ritual killing now illegal in South Africa, attacks on individuals which stop short of murder but involve the amputation of limbs has increased. 

An academic investigation into ‘Violent Hand Amputation and Replantation in South Africa’ conducted by Wendy Young, Pragashnie Govender, and Deshini Naidoo, claims that in 2001, almost 2500 individuals were caught with body parts in their possession. This highlights just how ingrained the practice of ritual killing is in the nation. 


It is highly likely the man attacked in this case was a victim of a crime with connections to the practice of muti. 

The practice of muti is particularly prevalent in Mpumalanga, with three doctors and a nurse suspended from Bernice Samuel Hospital in 2021 after an infant admitted with diarrhea had her hand amputated. A case of negligence was opened against the nurse and three doctors, and officially a possible muti motive was not investigated, but it is also highly likely the amputation was done so the hand could be used for ritualistic magic. 

Source: South African Man Abducted, Hands Amputated in Suspected Muti Attack

Anambra State, Nigeria: widow initially banished over alleged witchcraft gets new apartment

This post is about harmful widowhood practices and belief in witchcraft. It’s not about a ritual murder.

It all happened in Umunankwo, a village in the Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, in south-east Nigeria. The story goes back to April last year, when three brothers chased and banished their widowed sister, a 53-year old mother of two children, from the community accusing her of being a witch. The incident was filmed and went viral. Subsequently, the three men were arrested. For briefness sake I may refer to the second and third articles below.

The incident drew once more attention to existing harmful widowhood practices and the plight of women in Anambra State in general.

Moreover, also in Anambra State the belief in the power of supernatural forces exist, though it is unknown at which scale. Related superstitious practices may go hand-in-hand with ritualistic killings (‘money rituals’) and trafficking in human organs which unfortunately also occur in this state in South-East Nigeria. See my February 19, 2023 post ‘Anambra State Police Officers in alleged ritual killing, organ harvesting ring arrested‘. 

Anambra State is located in the South East geopolitical zone of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is divided into six geopolitical zones commonly called zones. 

Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones

Anambra State is an inland state and one of Nigeria’s smallest states with a surface area of only 4,844 km2 (only Lagos State is smaller). Anambra ranks number 14 by population with an estimated population of 8 – 10 million people (2024), most of them christians though traditional beliefs continue to exist. The majority of the population belong to the Igbo ethnic group (in the 1960s, Anambra State was part of the failed secessionist Republic of Biafra). The region nowadays known as Anambra State has a a rich cultural history.

I already mentioned a prime reason to post this item, the existence of harmful widowhood practices, another major reason is the wish to draw attention to local initiatives and organizations to end these outdated and cruel practices which in fact represent human rights violations.

In this context I wish to mention the commendable work of the organization Advocacy for Alleged Witches, an interventionist group leading campaigns to end witch persecution in Africa. The organization’s Director is the well-known Leo Igbe, more than once mentioned on the present site. His work cannot be overrated and I wish to congratulate him once more with his work and achievements.

Last but not least I wish to congratulate Genevieve Osakwe, the Magistrate of the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court, in Awka, the state capital, and the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, for their swift actions.

Thanks to them the perpetrators of the crime are being prosecuted and the victim, Nneka Uzor, can now start a new life in a new apartment.
(webmaster FVDK)

Anambra State, Nigeria: widow initially banished over alleged witchcraft gets new apartment

The widow, Nneka Uzor, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of the south-east state on 30 April 2023.

Map of Anambra State

Published: February 25, 2024
By: Chinagorom Ugwu – Premium Times Nigeria

A widow in Anambra State, who recently returned to her community after she was banished for allegedly being a witch, has gotten a new apartment.

The woman, Nneka Uzor, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of the south-east state on 30 April 2023.

PREMIUM TIMES, last year, reported (see below – webmaster FVDK) how the widow was spotted in a video clip being led out of the Umunankwo by the community members who hurled abuses at her while two masquerades flogged her.

The three brothers —- Lazarus Uzor, Anozie Uzor and Valentine Okwuosa —- were later arrested and arraigned before the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court in Awka.

The arrest and arraignment of the suspects were facilitated by the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, who promised to ensure that the woman was reunited with the community.

This newspaper also reported that Mrs Uzor, the banished widow, returned to the community in January and reconciled with the villagers, following the commissioner’s intervention and the traditional ruler of the community, Fidelis Nsofor.

New apartment

Mrs Uzor has now gotten a self-contained apartment through the assistance of Advocacy for Alleged Witches, an interventionist group leading campaigns to end witch persecution in Africa.

The Director of the group, Leo Igwe, told PREMIUM TIMES on Saturday that the group decided to help Mrs Uzor after they learnt that the widow had been staying with a relative after her return to the community.

“We found out that while she returned to the community, she had no money, no apartment; her business had collapsed. Nothing. She was almost displaced,” Mr Igwe said, recalling that the widow also made the request when the group reached out to her.

“So, we raised some money and we sent it to her to rent an apartment,” he said.

The group director commended PREMIUM TIMES, saying it was the paper’s report that made them aware of the widow’s travail.

Joy overflow

Mrs Uzor expressed joy while she shared a video clip of the new apartment with the group director.

“You people have met me in my point of need,” she said in the three-minute video clip, almost shedding tears of joy.

“This is wonderful,” the widow exclaimed as she showed the inner part of the apartment.

“So, at last, I can boast of saying this is my own.”

She asked God to bless members of the group who secured the apartment for her.

Source: Widow initially banished over alleged witchcraft gets new apartment


Widow banished over alleged witchcraft returns to community

The woman, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Published: January 23, 2024
By: Chinagorom Ugwu – Premium Times Nigeria

A widow in Anambra State, who was banished for allegedly being a witch, has been reunited with her community.

The woman, Nneka Uzor, a 54-year-old mother of two, was banished by her three brothers from Umunankwo Community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of the south-east state on 30 April 2023.

PREMIUM TIMES, last year, reported how the widow was spotted in a video clip being led out of the Umunankwo by the community members who hurled abuses at her while two masquerades flogged her.

In the clip, the people, who were heard accusing Mrs Uzor of poisoning the community’s food and refusing to go for appeasement, led the woman to a road junction where they pronounced her banished from the community.

At the time they pronounced her banished, the widow had collapsed in the middle of a road, apparently due to fatigue.

The three brothers – Lazarus Uzor, Anozie Uzor and Valentine Okwuosa – were later arrested and arraigned before the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court in Awka.

The arrest and arraignment of the suspects were facilitated by the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, who promised to ensure that the woman was reunited with the community.


Mrs Uzor, the banished widow, has been reconciled to the villagers and brought back to the community, according to a statement on Monday by Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, a media aide to the commissioner.

Ms Ikeanyionwu said the reconciliation took place at the palace of the traditional ruler of Umunankwo, Fidelis Nsofor.

She said the commissioner, heads of men and women groups in the community, community leaders and the suspects, among others, attended the event.

The statement indicated that following the traditional ruler’s directive, community members gathered at the junction, where they had earlier banished the widow, to bring her back.

Masquerades also accompanied her back to the community.

Source: Widow banished over alleged witchcraft returns to community

This is how it started:

Brothers label their widowed sister witch, banish her from community

The victim is a mother of two .

Published: May 22, 2023
By; Chinagorom Ugwu – Premium Times Nigeria

Three people have banished their widowed sister from their community for allegedly being a witch.

The incident happened on 30 April in Umunankwo, a community in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, south-east Nigeria.

Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, a media aide to the Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare in the state, Ify Obinabo, disclosed this in a statement on Monday.

The widow, Nneka Uzor is a 53-year-old mother of two. She is also a caterer.

Ms Ikeanyionwu gave the names of the suspects as Lazarus Uzor, Anozie Uzor and Valentine Okwuosa.

She said the suspects’ arrest was facilitated by the commissioner, Mrs Obinabo, after a video clip showing the widow being abused and banished from the community went viral on social media.

Viral video

In the clip, seen by PREMIUM TIMES earlier this month, the widow was spotted being led out of the community by members of the community and two masquerades.

As she walked, the community members hurled abuses on her, while the two masquerades flogged her.

“On this day, Nneka (Uzor) committed an atrocity. She poisoned the food of the community, and she refused to go for appeasement. On that purpose, masquerades have arisen to say a final goodbye to Nneka to the boundary of no return,” a voice was in the background of the video was heard saying.

“Nneka, you shall not come back again (to the community). You have been ostracised. Today, marks her last day (in the community). The masquerade has ostracised her,” the voice added.

Apparently exhausted and weak, the widow collapsed in the middle of a road and the people abandoned her there.


Ms Ikeanyionwu said the suspects were later arrested and arraigned before the Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court, in Awka.

The statement was silent on the details of the charges against the suspects.

When the charges were read and interpreted to the defendants, they pleaded not guilty of the charges, she said.

Ruling on bail application by the suspects, the Magistrate, Genevieve Osakwe, held that the matter was a bailable offence.

Ms Osakwe, consequently, granted them bail in the sum of N700, 000, but demanded that the suspects should provide the traditional ruler of the Umunankwo Community, the parish priest of the community’s Catholic Church or the president-general of the community as sureties.

In her reaction, the commissioner, Mrs Obinabo, expressed satisfaction with the decision of the court, Ms Ikeanyionwu said.

The commissioner assured that she would get justice for the widow and other widows in the state who are going through such ill-treatment.

She warned residents of the state to desist from any form of harmful traditional practices against widows, pointing out that Anambra State Government has zero tolerance for such “inhumane acts.”

Banished widow speaks

Mrs Uzor told the commissioner that she began living in her parents’ house in the community nine years ago after she lost her husband.

The widow regretted that her brothers and other family members had been abusing her since she began living with them in their parents’ house.

On the issue of being banished from the community, she narrated that someone had died in the community and that on the day of the person’s burial, she was invited like others, which made her pass a night there.

She said she was surprised that her brothers and other family members woke her up the next morning at about 5:30 a.m. with the masquerades and subsequently chased her out of the community.

Nkiru Uzor, a sister to the widow, alleged that it was one of the suspects, Lazarus, the immediate past president-general of the community, that instigated the banishment while Nnamdi, another suspect, coordinated the act and also filmed the incident.

Source: Brothers label their widowed sister witch, banish her from community

READ ALSO: Anambra women protest against harmful widowhood practices

Bong County, Liberia: missing child sparks fear and anger

It may be qualified as normal that parents are worried when one of their childen is missing and it’s also quite normal when neighbors and relatives share in these emotions and help in searching for the missing child. In Bong County, residents took to the streets and even stormed the police headquarters on February 5 after a 9-year old boy, little Moses Vesselee, was reported missing the previous day.

A community leader expressed the generally felt fear that the situation might be caused by a ritualistic killing. After all, in Bong County ritualistic killings are no exception.

In recent years several murders for ostensibly ritual purposes have been reported, mutilated bodies of victims (often young children) have been found. In 2017, a year when presidential and general elections were held, there were demonstrations in this vote-rich county against the reported surge in ritualistic killings.

On February 8, the body of little Moses Vesselee, commonly known Kuwai, was found in an open pit. The coroner concluded that the little boy had died from drowning, hence no ‘foul play’.

Be that as it may – and let’s hope the coroner’s conclusions are warranted and there was indeed no foul play – the incident shows once more the persistent problem of ritualistic killing in this West African country. The reader is reminded of Dr. Alan White’s testimony before the US Congress, in 2023. In his testimony, Dr. White, the former Chief Investigator of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, elaborated on the phenomenon of ritualistic murders in Liberia, and he linked the Weah Administration – replaced in January 2024 – to extrajudicial, ritualistic killings (see below for details).

Concluding, the anger and frustration of the Bong County residents who stormed the police headquarters may thus have become clear. Let’s hope that there is never again reason to reproach the police a slow response or lack of action, and let’s hope that no more ritualistic murders will take place.

Only the future will tell if this hope is justified.

Warning: the articles presented below contain graphic contents and pictures which may upset readers (FVDK).

Bong County: 9-year-old boy goes missing – residents storm Police’s HQs for speedy investigation

Published: February 8, 2024
By: J. Peter S. Dennis – News Public Trust, Liberia

GBARNGA, Liberia- Angry residents of Rubber Factory Community on have stormed the Headquarters of the Liberia National Police Bong County Detachment to intervene in the search of a missing nine-year-old child some 198 kilometers from Monrovia.

According to the furious citizens in this central city, Little Moses Vesselee commonly known as Kuwai, went missing during the afternoon hours of Sunday, February 4, 2024.

He and his parents including Church members had gone to dig sand at the bank of Jor River in Gbarnga. The Jor River is noted for its illegal and unregulated sand mining activities in Bong County.

Speaking on behalf of the angry citizens, Mr. Adolphus Kpana, the community leader and a resident, Clarence Sally, expressed fear that any delay in the search of Little Kuwai Vesselee might lead to an undesirable situation while reflecting on several reported ritualistic killings of minors in Bong County (italics and bold letter type added by the webmaster FVDK).

“We want you join us to look for the child. We’re against this act. We want our son,” they said.

“Any action of us not finding our son, the citizens will inspect every car leading to and fro Monrovia. We will not take this likely” they warned.

The Rubber Factory Community residents openly petitioned the Liberia National Police Bong County Detachment through its Assistant Commissioner of Police, Fasu V. Sherriff to investigate and intervene towards the search of the mysterious disappearance of the 9-yr-old boy.

The concerned citizens were seen with placards saying:  “Please stop the ritualistic killing in Bong; We want our son to be freed; the killing must stop, release our son.” (italics and bold letter type added by the webmaster FVDK).

In remarks, Sherriff said he and his men have instituted all security measures since they obtained information regarding the disappearance of little Moses Vesselee and expressed hope of finding the child alive.

He however, called on residents of Rubber Factory community to assist the police with vital information in the discharge of their investigation.

“We started since this morning looking for the boy as soon as we got the tipoff. We are sharing the information with our colleagues to find the boy alive. We want you to provide additional information to do our work. We need your cooperation,” Sheriff said.

Investigation into circumstances surrounding the child’s mysterious disappearance continues.

Source: In Bong: 9-Year-Old Boy Goes Missing, As Residents Storm Police’s HQs For Speedy Investigation

After four days the missing 9-year old boy was found dead:

Liberia: Missing Child, Moses, Found Dead in Sand Mining Deposit in Gbarnga
As  Police in Gbarnga say, an investigation is continuing into the mysterious  death of the little child

The late Moses T.K. Vesselee, age 9, was found dead in a sand mining deposit, 5ft 10 inches deep, with bruises on his head and his skin peeling.

Published: February 8, 2024
By: Patrick S. Tokpah – Daily Observer, Liberia

After being missing for four days, 9-year-old Moses T.K. Vesselee was discovered dead in Rubber Factory Community in Gbarnga, Bong County.

Popularly known in the community as Kuwai, Little Moses’ corpse was discovered on February 7, 2024, near the Jor River in the Rubber Factory Community, Gbarnga City. The 9-year-old boy’s remains were discovered in a sand mining deposit, about 5ft 10 inches deep, with bruises on his head while the outer layer of his skin was peeled or removed.

The deceased went missing on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at about 3:00 pm when he and his parents, along with other church members, had all gone to mine sand along the Jor River in the community.

Residents of the community in Gbarnga, Bong County, on February 5, 2024, stormed the headquarters of the Liberia National Police Bong County Detachment to intervene in the search for a missing nine-year-old child.

They expressed fear that delays in the search of the boy might lead to an undesirable situation reflective of circumstances involving the killings of other children in the county without the alleged perpetrators being brought to book.

Meanwhile, upon the discovery of Kuwai’s body on Wednesday, a 15-man jury constituted by the LNP Bong County CSD Department examined the body and reported “no foul” played, thereby instructing family members of the victim to immediately interrogate his remains. The coroner jury report further revealed that Little Vesselee died from drowning.

Furthermore, family members of the late Moses T.K. Vesselee, in a remorseful mood, concurred with the jury’s report but scapegoated police officers in the county over their delay in investigating the whereabouts of their 9-year-old son. 

Moreover, Police in Gbarnga say an investigation is continuing into the mysterious  death of the little child 

Prior to his death, Moses was a 5th-grade student at Community House Elementary and Junior High School, located in the Rubber Factory community of Gbarnga.

Source: Liberia: Missing Child, Moses, Found Dead in Sand Mining Deposit in Gbarnga

Some of the recent ritual murder cases in Bong County:


Girl, 11 found dead with missing body parts
Date: January 22, 2015
Published by: The New Dawn, Liberia

The decomposed body of an 11-year-old girl, who went missing in the Frank Joe Community in Gbarnga, Bong County has been found with several body parts allegedly extracted.

Sunday afternoon, 18 January, 2015 was a scene of grief and consternation in Gbarnga  as the minor’s  corpse was discovered along the bank of the Jor River in the central Liberia provincial capital.

Little Dailey Gbapue’s body parts, including vagina, ears, and nose were all reported missing when the body was discovered.

A relative of the deceased, Salome Gbapue, narrated that the little girl was sent by a neighbor of the community last week Wednesday afternoon, 14 January to go and buy something, but never return only to discover her dead body four days later with body parts reportedly missing.

She continued that they had to bury the little girl by the river bank because the body was almost decayed.

Miss Gbapue said a man only identified as Oldman had informed her that he knew the whereabouts of little Dailey Gbapue and she asked him to led her to the location, which he failed to do.

She said police have since arrested and detained Oldman and the female community resident, who sent the deceased on the errand.

Police in Bong County have confirmed the arrest and launched an intensive investigation into the incident.

Many residents are linking the death of little Dailey Gbapue to ‘heart man’ or ritualistic activities. Though dead bodies had been discovered in Gbarnga, especially in the Jor River in recent years, were no reports of body parts missing.

Bong County residents have called on police in the county to launch thorough investigation into the matter and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The death of little Dailey Gbapue has created fear in several quarters in the county with some expressing that this might be a return of ritualistic killings for power.

Source: Girl, 11 found dead with missing body parts

And in 2016 it was reported:

3-yr-old missing child found dead with several body parts missing
Published: February 23, 2016
By: Ramsey N. Singbeh, Jr. in Margibi-Edited by Jonathan Browne – The New Dawn, Liberia

Mr. Jackson father of missing boy, A three-year-old boy has been
mysteriously found dead in Kpatolee Clan, Salala District, lower Bong County.

The late Jacob Jackson was found dead on Thursday, February 18, 2016 with several parts extracted from his body after he had gone missing on 11 February in his parents’ garden. His lifeless body was discovered in a little water called Nanei about five minutes’ walk from his parents’ garden in a swamp.

Among parts that were missing from the lad’s body include eyes, nose, tongue and esophagus as well as his penis. Speaking to reporters on Saturday, February 20, the secretary of a 15-member jury only identified as Morris, explained the body was found lying on its back, completely naked with skin on forehead removed.

Morris also narrated they saw the area where the body was forcibly pushed and dragged into the water, but said no one has been linked to the gruesome death of little Jacob Jackson. He accused authorities of Kpatolee Clan of denying family of the deceased and community residents the opportunity to search houses in the area because news had earlier come that the boy was still alive in one of the houses in the community.

He said authorities of the clan prevented youth, including himself from erecting road block to draw the attention of central government. Morris recalled that on 14 February two strange guys were arrested with some drugs and turned over to the local authorities, but the suspects claimed they were in search of a local herb called country spot.

He said the guys were arrested with blade, toothbrush and flashlight in the same surrounding where the late Jacob went missing. “Of the two men, one claimed to have come from Kakata while the other said he came from Salala.”

He said they were immediately arrested and turned over to the police in Salala and subsequently sent to jail, but wants the suspects brought to justice. One resident of Salala who spoke on anonymity, said the child went missing in an area where his father was present and working the very day, but was reluctant to carry out a search despite pressure from his wife.

However, the boy’s mother continuously cried on him to help her find the child, and without getting his cooperation, reported the matter to residents of the town who compared him to stop work and join his wife to look for their son.

Mr. Jackson refused to speak to the press on the mysterious death of his son.

Source: 3-yr-old missing child found dead

2017 was an election year. In Liberia an election year often means an increase in ritualistic killings.

In August 2017, Bong County citizens took to the streets to protest against the reported surge in ritualistic murders. A leading Liberian newspaper, FrontPage Africa, published an alarming article on this citizens’ protest, Vote-Rich Liberian County Protests Election Year Ritualistic Killings’ which I posted.

Bong County citizens protest against ritualistic killings.

On October 15, 2021 the Liberia National Police gave a press briefing on the ritualistic killing in Bong County (and other national issues) which can be downloaded on YouTube, see below.

Screenshot. To watch the Liberia National Police Press Briefing on the Ritualist act in Bong County and other National Issues, please click here

The immediate reason for this press conference was the discovery of the mutilated body of a 21-year old woman in Gbarnga, Bong County’s capital. I posted this report, published by FrontPage Africa, a week later, on October 22, 2021 as ‘Liberia – another ritualistic murder: missing young woman found dead, body parts extracted‘.

Front Page Africa, October 15, 2021 reporting on the murder of a 21-year woman for ritualistic purposes.

The preceding overview does not pretend to be complete. Its main purpose is to demonstrate that the anger and fear of the residents of Bong County after 9-year old Kuwai Vesselee got missing was warranted.

For briefness sake I will refer here to Dr. Alan White’s testimony before the US Senate on ritual murders and mysterious disappearances in Liberia on September 19, 2023, linking the Weah Administration to extrajudicial, ritualistic killings. Dr. White is the Chief Investigator of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) .

Nigeria, Ogun State: ritualists kill university student, sell head, wrists for N100,000 (Nov-Dec 2023)

Referring to yesterday’s post (‘Nigeria, Ogun State: a hotbed of ritual crimes‘), the following ritual murder case needs no comments. The victim, Quadri Salami, was murdered for a money ritual in November or December last year. His violent death only confirms the main thrust of yesterday’s post.

Please also note in the second article the confession of the arrested duo that they had used four other human heads for ritual purposes.

Indeed, Ogun State is a hotbed of criminal ritualistic activities.

Warning: the following article contains graphic details which may upset readers (FVDK).

Ogun: Ritualists kill OOU student, sell head, wrists for N100,000

Published: December 6, 2023
By: Olufemi AdediranOlufemi Adediran – New Telegraph, Nigeria

The operatives of the Ogun State police command, have arrested two suspected ritualists, Akeem Usman and Ifadowo Niyi for allegedly killing a 100-level student of the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Quadri Salami for a money ritual.

The duo of Akeem and Ifadowo slaughtered 18-year-old Salami and dismembered his body part.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the command, Omolala Odutola confirmed the arrest of the suspects to journalists in Abeokuta on Wednesday.

According to Odutola, the deceased’s father had reported the sudden disappearance of his son to the police at Kemta police station on November 14.

The deceased’s father told the police that his son had gone missing on November 8, and all efforts to locate him proved abortive.

The PPRO said the police investigation led to the arrest of one of the suspects, Akeem Usman who was arrested in possession of the deceased’s phone.

The police spokesperson said, that the Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu on Wednesday, led a team of the tactical squad to Mile 6 in the Ajebo area of Abeokuta where the deceased was buried in a shallow grave.

“He (Akeem Usman) implicated one Ifadowo Niyi that both of them committed the heinous crime by slaughtering the victim one Quadri and dismembering his vital parts for ritual purposes.

“Ifadowo went away with Quadri’s head, and his two wrists, and paid the sum of N100,00 into Akeem Usman’s account as proceeds from the sale of the human body parts.

“The suspects thereafter continued to sell the victim’s other body parts on demand to Internet fraudsters and buried the heart, two legs, and flesh inside a plastic rubber for rituals and used the remaining parts for ‘Awure’ (money ritual).

“Among their confessional statement, the duo admitted that they have used four other human heads for money rituals known as ‘Osole’.

“The suspects are now in Eleweran at SCID for the continuation of discreet investigations and will definitely be prosecuted”, Odutola said.

Source: Ogun: Ritualists Kill OOU Student, Sell Head, Wrists For N100,000


Ogun police arrest two over killing of OAU student for ritual

Published: December 6, 2023
By: Mayor – Chronicle, Nigeria

The police command in Ogun says it has arrested two persons, Akeem Usman and Niyi Ifadowo, for allegedly killing 18-year-old 100-level Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) student Quadri Salami for rituals.

SP Omolola Odutola, the state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), disclosed this in a statement issued in Abeokuta on Wednesday.

Ms Odutola stated that Mr Salami’s father, on November 14, reported at Kemta Police station, Abeokuta, that his son had been missing since November 8.

She quoted the father as saying he had not set his eyes on his son and all efforts to locate him proved abortive.

The PPRO said that the Commissioner of Police in Ogun, Abiodun Alamutu, on Wednesday, personally led a team of Tactical Squad to Mile 6 in the Ajebo area of Abeokuta.

“The commissioner went with the team to a shallow grave to exhume the decomposing body parts of the deceased after a tracking clue beamed at Usman, who was arrested in possession of the victim’s phone.

“He implicated Ifadowo that both of them committed the heinous crime by slaughtering the victim and dismembering his vital parts for ritual purposes.

“Ifadowo went away with the deceased head and his two wrists and paid the sum of N100,000 into Usman’s account as proceeds from the sale of Salami’s other body parts.

“The suspects thereafter continued to sell the victim’s other body parts on demand to Internet fraudsters.

“They buried the heart, two legs, and flesh inside a plastic rubber for rituals and used the remaining parts for a crime against humanity,” the PPRO said.

Ms Odutola explained that in their confessional statement, the duo admitted that they had used four other human heads for money rituals.

She added that the suspects were now in Eleweran at the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) for the continuation of discreet investigation, saying that they would be prosecuted.

The police spokesperson said that the CP remained committed to ensuring that justice was served and would continue to investigate further to bring all perpetrators to face the full extent of the law.

She said that such criminal involvement endangered innocent lives, urging parents to collectively work together with the police by volunteering information to eradicate such nefarious practices.

Source: Ogun police arrest two over killing of OAU student for ritual

Nigeria, Ogun State: a hotbed of ritual crimes

Recently I posted several articles on Ogun State’s notorious reputation with respect to ritualistic killings (‘money rituals’).

On December 31, 2023 and January 1, January 2 and January 3 of the current year I paid attention to the scourge of ritual murders in Ogun State, triggered by the public acknowledgement of the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, that ritual killings are the most disturbing trend of criminal activity in the state, followed by the warning that Ogun State Police envisaged to embark on a campaign against the reported rise in ritual murders in 2024.

But also further back, in 2020, I reported that there was an alarming increase in ritualistic murders in this southwestern state, according to my June 3 post of that year: ‘What the **** is goin’ on in Ogun State, Nigeria? Alarming increase in ritualistic murders!’

A recent ritual murder case, implicating a gang of seven men including two priests of a white garment church and two herbalist, originating from four different southern states (Ogun, Oyo, Lagos and Edo), was widely covered in the national media (and also abroad). In all, this post covers nearly twenty articles.

The victim was a 35-year old woman, Sulaimon Adijat. She was brutally murdered for ritual purposes, her body heavily mutilated, on or about January 9. Allegedly, the suspects were not only into ritual murders but also dealt in human parts trading on a large scale. Read the details below. It is a chilling account of heinous crimes committed by greedy and unscrupulous men.

Warning: The following articles contain graphic details which may upset readers (FVDK)

Seven Arrested for Gruesome Murder and Trade of Human Body Parts in Ogun State

Seven Arrested for Gruesome Murder and Trade of Human Body Parts in Ogun State

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Nasiru Eneji Abdulrasheed – BNN, The People’s Network, Nigeria

Seven individuals, including two herbalists and two alleged priests, have been arrested in Ogun State for the murder of Sulaimon Adijat and trading her body parts for a ritual called ‘Oshole’. The police are investigating a larger network involved in these heinous activities, shedding light on the moral decay in society.

In the quiet shadows of Ogun State, a chilling tale of greed and betrayal unfolds, as seven individuals, including two herbalists, two alleged priests of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church, and three others, were apprehended for their involvement in a nefarious plot that culminated in the murder of 35-year-old Sulaimon Adijat.

The suspects, ensnared by the allure of wealth, confessed to the brutal killing, aiming to trade human life for financial gain through a ritual known as ‘Oshole’. The Ogun State Police Command, following a report of the missing woman, embarked on an investigation that led to the grim discovery and subsequent arrest of the gang, unveiling a larger network engaged in the trade of human body parts for monetary rituals, seeking to conjure N200 million within a mere seven days.

A Gruesome Discovery

The investigation into Sulaimon Adijat’s disappearance revealed a horrific scene. Various human body parts, intended for use in the ‘Oshole’ ritual, were recovered from the suspects, painting a gruesome picture of the lengths to which some would go for wealth.

The suspects, now under investigation, confessed to their roles in the crime, exposing the dark underbelly of a society where human life is traded for monetary gain. The Ogun Police Command’s swift action has brought to light the existence of a larger network, prompting an extensive search for other individuals involved in these illicit activities.

The revelation of such a heinous crime has sent shockwaves through the community, raising questions about the moral fabric of those who seek prosperity at the cost of human life. 

The brutal killing of Sulaimon Adijat for money rituals not only highlights the desperate measures some are willing to take but also the pervasive belief in the power of such rituals to alter one’s financial destiny. The incident has ignited a broader conversation on the societal values and the urgent need for a moral reawakening.

Source: Seven Arrested for Gruesome Murder and Trade of Human Body Parts in Ogun State


Two popular prophets arrested for murdering 35-year-old woman for sika duro

The deceased, 35-year old Sulaimon Adijat

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Armani Brooklyn – GHPage

Two Nigerian herbalists named Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday as well as two prophets of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf have all been arrested for the killing of one Sulaimon Adijat, aged 35, for money ritual purposes.

Three other suspects, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, were also arrested for the murder.

According to the reports, the aforementioned people are a gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sales of human parts.

Apparently, the deceased was reported missing in January not knowing that she had been murdered and used for money rituals.

Adijat was said to have been invited out on a date by one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota, where she was later kidnapped and murdered.

Source: Two popular prophets arrested for murdering 35-year-old woman for sika duro


Police arrest prophet, 6 other ritualists for killing lady to make N200m in 7 days

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Afolabi – Within Nigeria

  • Olamutu stated that the report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, led to the arrest of the culprits

In Ogun State, a seven-man gang that deals in decapitating humans and selling their parts for rituals has been bursted, the police in the south west state have disclosed. The State Police Commissioner, Abiodun Olamutu, made the disclosure in a statement on Thursday.

According to Olamutu, a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies were recovered from the suspects. He gave the name of the suspects as Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

Olamutu stated that the report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, led to the arrest of the culprits.

Olamutu said the Divisional Police Office, Onipanu, received a report that Adijat was missing on January 9 after she waa invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

“Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, her mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical-based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

The police boss said investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years,” he added.

According to him, Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, vagina and two wrists that would be used for the ritual.

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” he said.

Source: Police arrest prophet, 6 other ritualists for killing lady to make N200m in 7 days


Herbalists, Prophets Paraded By Police For Killing 35Yr Old Woman For Money Rituals In Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Onuigbo Felicia – Gistmania, Nigeria

Two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday, and two prophets of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, were on Thursday paraded by the police in Ogun State for killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for money rituals.

Paraded alongside the priests were Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria.

Parading the suspects at the command headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta, the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, said the suspects were not only into ritual killings but also dealt in human parts trading on a large scale.

He said the operation that led to the arrest of the suspects started on January 9 when a report was lodged at the Onipanu divisional headquarters in Atan-Ota about the missing Adijat.

Adijat allegedly went missing after going for a date with one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota.

The commissioner said the victim’s family made frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts which all proved abortive while her mobile phone was also switched off.

Alamutu said that the command deployed its Anti Kidnapping Unit to unravel the mystery behind Adijat’s disappearance.

He added that a technical-based investigation embarked upon by the unit pointed towards the seven suspects.

Alamutu said: 

“The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two Bosom, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years.

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two Bosoms, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day.

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased.

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.”

The commissioner disclosed that efforts were on to apprehend the fleeing suspects. He noted that the matter would be charged to court upon conclusion of investigations.

Source: Herbalists, Prophets Paraded By Police For Killing 35Yr Old Woman For Money Rituals In Ogun


Prophet, six others arrested for ritual killing in Ogun

Published: February 17, 2024
By: Punch, Nigeria

The Ogun Police Command has arrested a seven-man gang suspected to be specialised in trading human parts and for money rituals.

The Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, disclosed that a human heart and two kegs filled with human body parts were parts of exhibits recovered from the suspects.

The men arrested on Thursday were identified by the police as  Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

Alamutu explained that the Divisional Police Office in Onipanu, received a report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, on January 9 who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

“Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, the mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing. Consequently, the anti-kidnapping unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance, and a technical-based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

According to him, the investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual money. Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the ages of 18 and 20 years.”

The CP said Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, vagina, and two wrists that would be used for the alleged ritual.

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State. Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of N200m in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on February 3 and 10, where female handbags and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” Alamutu added.

The CP noted that all the suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their roles, adding that an investigation was ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects.

Source: Prophet, six others arrested for ritual killing in Ogun


Pictures: Prophets, Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-year-old Lady For Money Rituals

The victim, 35-year old Sulaimon Adijat

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Justina Otto – NaijaNews, Nigeria

The Ogun State Police Command has apprehended some suspects in connection to the murder of one Sulaimon Adijat for ritual purposes.

Those arrested include two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday as well as two alleged priests of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf.

Three other suspects, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, were also arrested for the murder.

Parading the suspects at the Command Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, described them as gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sale of human parts.

According to Alamutu, on January 9, 2024, DPO of Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota received the report of a missing 35-years-old Sulaimon Adijat.

The deceased was said to be invited on a date by one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota, (now at large).

It was gathered that Adijat, who worked as a security guard at Canaan Land, Sango Ota, received a call after she got back from work.

She said: “I ‘m coming” to the caller and then told her sister that she was going to Atan in Ota.

The CP revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

According to the Commissioner, “The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days,” 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual. 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual. 

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose. 

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years. 

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State 

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’ house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts 

The CP also disclosed that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles.

According to him, investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.

Source: Pictures: Prophets, Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-year-old Lady For Money Rituals


Ogun Police Parade Ritual Syndicate, Including Prophets, Herbalists, for Alleged Abduction and Killing

Source: Crown Images, Naija News

Published:February 16, 2024
By: Shabach Bako – Remo TV, Nigeria

Commissioner of Police in Ogun State, Abiodun Alamutu, paraded four suspects, including two herbalists and two prophets, accused of the brutal killing of a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for money ritual purposes.

The suspects identified as Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Monday, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese, and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were presented before newsmen at the Ogun State Police Command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta.

Commissioner Alamutu disclosed that the arrest followed the report of Sulaimon Adijat’s disappearance on January 9, after allegedly receiving a call from a friend, Adebayo Azeez, who invited her on a date. Despite efforts by her family to locate her, her phone was switched off, prompting the police’s anti-kidnapping team to intervene.

Investigations revealed a grim plot orchestrated by the duo of Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who contracted herbalist Oluwo Samuel Monday to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ promising a return of N200 million within seven days. The herbalist, in turn, enlisted the help of Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf to source a lady between 18 and 20 years for the ritual.

Adebayo Azeez, tasked with providing human parts for the syndicate, invited Adijat on a date to a hotel in the Atan area, where she was allegedly killed and her body dismembered in a shrine by Moses Abidemi. The herbalist later burned the body parts in a local pot, subsequently killing a ram to appease Adijat’s soul.

However, complications arose among the syndicate members when the anticipated N200 million from the ritual did not materialize, leading to complaints from Agbai and Alioneitouria.

The police, conducting a search at Abidemi Moses’ shrine, recovered incriminating evidence, including female handbags, gallons containing human parts, an axe, and bags filled with human bones.

Commissioner Alamutu assured the public of continuous updates as the investigation progresses, highlighting the recovered exhibits, including criminal charms, as crucial evidence. The suspects, having confessed to their roles in the crime, will face charges in court upon the completion of the investigation.

Source: Ogun Police Parade Ritual Syndicate, Including Prophets, Herbalists, for Alleged Abduction and Killing


Police parade herbalists, prophets for killing 35-year-old woman for money rituals in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: John Ogunsemore – The Herald, Nigeria

Two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday, and two prophets of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, were on Thursday paraded by the police in Ogun State for killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for money rituals.

Paraded alongside the priests were Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria.

Parading the suspects at the command headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta, the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, said the suspects were not only into ritual killings but also dealt in human parts trading on a large scale.

He said the operation that led to the arrest of the suspects started on January 9 when a report was lodged at the Onipanu divisional headquarters in Atan-Ota about the missing Adijat.

Adijat allegedly went missing after going for a date with one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota.

The commissioner said the victim’s family made frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts which all proved abortive while her mobile phone was also switched off.

Alamutu said that the command deployed its Anti Kidnapping Unit to unravel the mystery behind Adijat’s disappearance.

He added that a technical-based investigation embarked upon by the unit pointed towards the seven suspects.

Alamutu said, “The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years.

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day.

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased.

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.”

The commissioner disclosed that efforts were on to apprehend the fleeing suspects.

He noted that the matter would be charged to court upon conclusion of investigations.

Source: Police parade herbalists, prophets for killing 35-year-old woman for money rituals in Ogun


Police Arrest Prophet, Other Suspects Over Ritual Killing In Ogun
While narrating how they were arrested, the command said it followed the “sudden disappearance” of the deceased which was reported to the DPO of Onipanu on the 9th of January, 2024. 

In this file photo, a police officer hold bunch of handcuffs at SARS headqurters in Abuja on October 3rd, 2020 PHOTO: Sodiq Adelakun/Channels TV

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Emmanuel Egobiambu – Channels TV, Nigeria

Police authorities in Ogun State have arrested seven suspects including a prophet and herbalist over the killing of a lady for ritual purposes.

The Ogun Police Command said this in a late Thursday statement.

“The Commissioner of Police Ogun State Police Command, CP Abiodun Mustapha ALAMUTU today being 15th of February 2024, at the Headquarters in Eleweran Abeokuta paraded seven daredevil persons who were directly involved in the killing of one Sulaimon Aishat ‘f’ 35yrs for ritual purpose,” the statement read.

While narrating how they were arrested, the command said it followed the “sudden disappearance” of the deceased which was reported to the DPO of Onipanu on the 9th of January, 2024.

“Consequently upon the report, the CP gave a matching order to the officer in charge of Anti kidnapping Unit, to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance,” the police said.

“The efforts of the crack detectives from anti-kidnapping paid off as seven suspects who were directly involved in the killing of Sulaimon Adijat were arrested after a technical-based investigation.

“They are:- 1. Moses Abidemi ‘m’ 2. Oluwo Samuel ‘m’ 3. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ 4. Akinwunmi Ifatosin ‘m’ 5. Prophet Jamiu Yusuf’s ‘m’ 6. Sherif Agbai ‘m’ 7. Osojieahen Alioneiouria ‘m’. The investigation further revealed that on the 19th of November 2023, Sherif Agbai and Osojeiahen Alioneouria ‘m’ contact Oluwo Samuel Moday to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two hundred million naira (#200,000,000) within 7 days, and Oluwo Samuel Moday charged them for the sum of Eight hundred thousand (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the ages of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, private part and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese who is acclaimed pastor of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo State, also contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a.k.a Eri Mose in Lagos State, who is notorious for the supply of human parts for ritual purposes. Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a Asela, who is an herbalist at Ata Ota, Ogun State.

“Abidemi Moses requested the sum of six hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual. Oluwo Samuel Monday negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts.

“Abidemi Moses is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for three years. Hence Adebayo Olawale Azeez surreptitiously invited Sulaimon Adijat to Sunshine Hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbi Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Sameul Moday and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd of February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 liters gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“Meanwhile, all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles, investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed. Members of the public will be duly updated.”

Source: Police Arrest Prophet, Other Suspects Over Ritual Killing In Ogun


Ogun police arrest prophets, herbalists over 35-years-old woman’s death

Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu

Published: February 15, 2024
By: Taiwo Bankole – Punch. Nigeria

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, on Thursday, paraded two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday as well as two alleged priests of Cherubim and Seraph Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, over the killing of one Sulaimon Adijat, aged 35, for money ritual purposes.

Also arrested and paraded for the act were Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.

Parading the suspects at the Command Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday, the police boss described them as gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sale of human parts.

Alamutu disclosed that their date with the long hand of the law started on January 9, 2024, when the DPO of Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota received the report of a missing 35-years-old Sulaimon Adijat.

Adijat was said to have been invited out on a date by one Adebayo Olawale Azeez of Ajegunle road, Atan Ota, and since then Adijat has not been seen, despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabout while her mobile phone had been switched off.

The CP revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

The team was said to have embarked on a technical based investigation, which led to the arrest of the seven suspects, who participated actively in the abduction and eventual murder of the missing Sulaimon Adijat.

Alamutu explained further that “the investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days. 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (#800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual. 

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20yrs in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf ‘m’ a,k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose. 

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses ‘m’ a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years. 

“Hence, on 9th January, 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez ‘m’ invited one Sulaiman Adijat ‘f’ on a date to Sunshine hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses ‘m’ and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day. 

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased. 

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State. 

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota. 

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.”

Meanwhile, the CP has said that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles. 

According to him, investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.

Source: Ogun police arrest prophets, herbalists over 35-years-old woman’s death


Police arrest two ‘prophets’, others for killing woman for money ritual in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2014
By: TG News, Nigeria

Police in Ogun State have arrested two self-acclaimed prophets of white garment churches and five other persons for allegedly killing and dismembering the body of a 35-year-old woman, Adijat Sulaimon, for money ritual in Atan-Ota.

The suspects who are: Moses Abidemi; Oluwo Samuel Monday; Prophet Peter Oluwalese; Akinwunmi Ifatosin; Prophet Jamiu Yusuf; Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alionetouria, were all paraded at the Police Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta.

They were arrested following a report of a missing person on January 9, 2024 by the DPO of Onipanu Divisional Headquarters that one Adebayo Olawale Azeez invited the victim out on a date and since then she had yet to return as her mobile phone was switched off and her whereabouts remain unknown.

On receiving the information, a tactical team of the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command were sent out on a technical based investigation to unravel the mystery behind the cause of disappearance which led to the arrest of the seven (7) suspects that participated actively in the abduction and murder of the deceased.

Commissioner of Police, CP Abiodun Alamutu, while parading the suspects at the Police Headquarters, Eleweran, Abeokuta, said that the suspects killed and dismembered the body of the victim for ‘Oshole’ money ritual that can produce N200,000, 000 within a week.

Alamutu explained that the duo of Agabai and Alioneitouria contacted Oluwo to perform money ritual for them that could produce N200M within seven days and Oluwo charged both of the N800,000 for the ritual work and promise them he would also provide materials for the work.

He explained further that Oluwo later contacted Oluwalolese, to get him a woman between the age of 18 to 20 whose party of the body including the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists which will be used for money ritual.

The CP went on that Oluwalolose from a white garment church in Ibadan, Oyo State, who later contacted Yusuf another white garment prophet from Lagos State popularly known as Eri Mose, asking him if he could help to get a woman whose party of her body would be use for the money ritual.

He said Yusuf contacted Abidemi, an herbalist from Atan-Ota, Ogun State, who demanded N600,000 before he could deliver a woman for the mutilated body parts and Yusuf negotiated the body materials to N300,000 which Abidemi agreed and called his apprentice Azeez to harvest human parts for him.

Alamutu said that Azeez, now at large, went ahead to do the harvest human parts which he uses as livelihood for the past three years and lured the victim out of her house on January 9 to an hotel at Atan-Ota, from where they headed to Abidemi shrine in Olomi area where she was killed by Abidemi and others now on the run and her dismembered body were taken to Oluwo.

He said “Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased. On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (#200,000,000) in seven days despite having used it for three weeks. A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the hand bag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat.” he added

Meanwhile, all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles. Investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.”

Exhibits recovered from them includes :
One axe, ten female hand bags, local pots, one wooden box containing money ritual, two bags containing human bones and parts, two gallons containing human parts, and charms

Source: Police arrest two ‘prophets’, others for killing woman for money ritual in Ogun


Police nab ritualists for murdering lady to make N200m in 7 days in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Kehinde Okeowo – The Niche, Nigeria

Police said the suspects were caught with a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies. 

By Kehinde Okeowo

A seven-man gang that specializes in killing and selling human parts for rituals have been arrested by the Ogun State Police Command.

This was revealed on Thursday by the State Police Commissioner, Abiodun Olamutu, who claimed the suspects were caught with a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies.

The men in police custody include Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

According to the CP, it all started when the Divisional Police Office, Onipanu, received a report on January 9, that a lady identified as Ms Sulaiimon Adijat who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez was missing. 

Olamutu added: “Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, her mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical-based investigation was embarked on.”

He went on to say investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years,” he added.

The Police boss further claimed that Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, vagina and two wrists that would be used for the ritual.

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” he said.

Source: Police nab ritualists for murdering lady to make N200m in 7 days in Ogun


Ogun: 2 Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman for Money Ritual

Published: February 16, 2024
By: New Telegraph, Nigeria

Operatives of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two herbalists and two self- acclaimed priests of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church for allegedly killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat for money ritual purposes. The suspects: Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Mon- day, Peter Oluwalolese and Jamiu Yusuf allegedly killed Adijat and dismembered her body.

The suspects were paraded before journalists by the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, at the command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday. Also arrested and paraded for crime were: Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.

Parading the suspects, Alamutu described them as gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings, but also deal in large sale of human parts. Alamutu disclosed that the suspects were arrested following a missing person report of the victim lodged at Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota on January 9.

The deceased was said to have been invited out on a date by one of them and since then Adijat has not been seen, despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, while her mobile phone had been switched off. The police boss revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

The team was said to have embarked on a technical based investigation, which led to the arrest of the seven suspects who participated actively in the abduction and eventual murder of the missing Sulaimon Adijat. Alamutu explained further that: “The investigation revealed that on 19th November, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alionei- touria contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.”

Source: Ogun: 2 Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman for Money Ritual


Ogun: Two Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman For Money Ritual


Published: February 15, 2024
By: Olufemi Adediran – New Telegraph, Nigeria

The operatives of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two herbalists and two self-acclaimed priests of Cherubim and Seraph Church for allegedly killing a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat for a money ritual.

The suspects: Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Monday, Peter Oluwalolese and Jamiu Yusuf allegedly killed Adijat and dismembered her body parts.

The suspects were paraded before journalists by the Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu at the command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta on Wednesday.

Also arrested and paraded for crime were: Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Sherifff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria who are both from Uromi in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.

Parading the suspects, Alamutu described them as a gang of hardened criminals who are not only involved in ritual killings but also deal in large sales of human parts.

Alamutu disclosed that the suspects were arrested following a missing person report of the victim lodged at Onipanu Divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police in Atan-Ota on January 9.

The deceased was said to have been invited out on a date by one and since then Adijat has not been seen, despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts while her mobile phone had been switched off.

The police boss revealed that consequently, a tactical team of the police, specifically the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the Command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance.

The team was said to have embarked on a technical-based investigation, which led to the arrest of the seven suspects who participated actively in the abduction and eventual murder of the missing Sulaimon Adijat.

Alamutu explained further that “the investigation revealed that on 19th November 2023, one Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday a.k.a Oluwo Mandela to perform money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce Two Hundred Million naira within seven days.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai ‘m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ the sum of Eight Hundred thousand naira (N800,000) and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18yrs to 20 years in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, virginal and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese who is an acclaimed Prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo state, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf a.k.a Eri Mose in Lagos state, who is notorious in the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses a.k.a. Asela, who is a herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State. Abidemi Moses requested for the sum of Six Hundred thousand naira to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday negotiated for the sum of three hundred thousand naira for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses ‘m’ is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez, now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for the past three years.

“Hence, on 9th January 2024, Adebayo Olawale Azeez invited one Sulaiman Adijat on a date to Sunshine Hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbo Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State.

“She was killed by Abidemi Moses and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’s house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese ‘m’ who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday collected the head, two breasts, virginal, and two wrists and other body parts of the deceased. Oluwo Samuel Monday prepared the body parts in a local pot, and lighted firewood to burn it in Abidemi Moses’s house till the next day.

“Prophet Peter Oluwalolese joined Oluwo Samuel Monday ‘m’ to kill the ram that was used to appease the spirit of the deceased during the process of performing money ritual. Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf were also given some body parts of the deceased.

“On 10th January, 2024, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria ‘m’ collected the money ritual from Oluwo Monday Samuel and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen Alioneitouri used the money ritual element as directed by Oluwo Monday Samuel, and they both complained bitterly that the money ritual failed to yield the expected sum of Two hundred million (N200,000,000) in seven days despite having used if for three weeks.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd February 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.

“The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the ten bags that were recovered as the handbag of their daughter Sulaimon Adijat”

Meanwhile, Alamutu has said that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their roles. The investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects and the case will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed.

Source: Ogun: Two Herbalists, Others Arrested For Killing 35-Year-Old Woman For Money Ritual


Ritualists Nabbed For Allegedly Killing Lady To Make N200m

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Peace Oladapo – New Telegraph, Nigeria

The Ogun State Police Command on Friday said its operatives have busted a seven-man gang that sells human parts for rituals in the state.

Abiodun Olamutu, the State Police Commissioner who confirmed the development claimed that evidence retrieved from the suspects included a human heart and two kegs filled with human parts.

The suspects arrested in connection to the unfortunate incident include Mooses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitoura.

The police image maker added that on January 9, the Divisional Police Office in Onipanu got a report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat, who was asked out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

He said, “Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, her mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical-based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

The police chief stated that an investigation found that the suspects were engaging in a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ in order to generate N200 million within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years,” he added.

According to him, Peter was to send the lady’s mutilated body parts, namely the head, two breasts, vagina, and two wrists, for use in the ceremony

“However, on January 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered,” he said.

Source: Ritualists Nabbed For Allegedly Killing Lady To Make N200m


Police arrest prophets, herbalists over abduction, killing

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Vincent Osuwo – Chronicle, Nigeria

Two herbalists, Moses Abidemi and Oluwo Samuel Monday, as well as two alleged prophets of Cherubim and Seraph Church, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese and Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, have been paraded by the police over the brutal killing of one Sulaimon Adijat, aged 35, for money ritual purposes.

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, disclosed this while parading the suspects before newsmen at the command’s headquarters in Eleweran, Abeokuta, the state’s capital, on Thursday.

The police chief stated that the arrest of the suspects came after a lady, Sulaiman Adijat, was reported missing to the Onipanu Division of the police on January 9 after she allegedly received a call from a friend, Adebayo Azeez, who invited her on a date.

The police chief revealed that her family’s desperate efforts to trace her whereabouts have failed since her phone was turned off. When the police received the information, they dispatched an anti-kidnapping unit to investigate Adijat’s disappearance.

He stated that after a probe into the incident, the police learned that she was reportedly killed by a ritual syndicate hired by Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitouria to execute a money ritual for N200 million.

Alamutu said, “Investigation revealed that on November 19, 2023, one Sherifff Agbai,’m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria,’m’, contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday,’m’, a.k.a. Oluwo Mandela, to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce N200m within seven days, and Oluwo Samuel Monday charged the duo of Sherifff Agbai,’m’, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria,’m’, the sum of N800,000 and agreed to prepare the materials for the money ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday,’m’, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese,’m’, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the ages of 18 and 20 years to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, virginal, and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese’m’, who is an acclaimed prophet of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo State, contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf’m’, a.k.a. Eri Moses, in Lagos State, who is notorious for the supply of human parts for ritual purposes.  Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses’m’ a.k.a. Asela, an herbalist at Atan Ota, Ogun State.”

Azeez was claimed to have invited Adijat on a date to a hotel in the Atan area after negotiating a payment of N300,000 to provide human parts for the syndicate. However, he was supposed to have taken Adijat to Moses’ shrine, where she was allegedly killed and her body dismembered, before moving to Moses’ residence, where the severed parts were purportedly waiting to be collected.

According to Alamutu, Oluwo took Adihjat’s bodily parts and burned them in a local pot before killing a ram to placate his soul.

However, conflict was said to have broken out among the syndicates when Agbai and Alioneitouria began grumbling that the ritual did not produce the desired results after they had completed the herbalists’ prescribed sacrifices. They were alleged to have regretted that the N200 million they intended to get from the ritual did not materialise.

The CP added, “A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on February 3, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25-litre gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota. The relative of the deceased later came to the police station and identified one of the 10 bags that were recovered as the handbag of their daughter, Sulaimon Adijat.”

The police commissioner stated that the apprehended suspects, Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel Monday, Peter Oluwalolese, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneitouria, admitted to their roles in the crime.

“Meanwhile, all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their roles. The investigation is ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects, and the case will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed. Members of the public will be duly updated.

The exhibits recovered from the suspects are one axe, ten female handbags, three local pots, one wooden box containing money rituals, two Bagco bags containing human bones and human parts, two gallons containing human parts, criminal charms, the crown and staff of Oba Isegun Zone 1, Atan Ota, Ogun State, and the crown and staff of Oluwo Masote of Ifo Zone, Ogun State,” Alamutu said.

Source: Police arrest prophets, herbalists over abduction, killing


Police arrest 7 suspected ritualists, recover human heart

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Kalu Idika – News Band, Nigeria

Police authorities in Ogun State on Thursday, arrested a seven-man gang that allegedly specialised in trading inhuman parts for rituals.

Mr Abiodun Olamutu, the commissioner of police said that a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies were parts of exhibits recovered from the suspects.

The suspects include Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Monday, Prophet Peter Akiwunmi Ifatosin, Jamiu Yusuf, Sheriff Agbai and Osojieahen Alioneitoura, Alamutu said.

Alamutu said the Divisional Police Office, Onipanu, received a report of a missing lady, Ms Sulaiimon Adijat on Jan. 9 who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez.

“Despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, the mobile phone has been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

“Consequently, the Anti Kidnapping Unit of the command was drafted to unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and a technical based investigation was embarked on,” the CP said.

According to him, the investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ to produce N200m within seven days.

“Oluwo Monday charged the duo of Agbai and Alioneitouria N800,000 to prepare the materials for the ritual money.

“Oluwo Monday, in furtherance of his criminal intention, later contacted one Peter, who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 and 20 years.

The CP said Peter was to deliver the lady’s mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breasts, virginal and two wrists that would be used for the ritual.

“However, on Jan. 10, Sheriff and Osojieahen collected the ritual money from Oluwo and travelled back to their location in Edo State.

“Trouble started when Osojieahen used the ritual element as directed by Oluwo, and complained bitterly that it failed to yield the expected sum of 200 million in seven days.

”A search was conducted in the shrine of Moses on Feb. 3 and 10, where female handbags, two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered.”

The CP said that all the suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles.

He said that investigation was ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects.

Source: Police arrest 7 suspected ritualists, recover human heart


Police arrest 2 pastors, 5 others with human parts in Ogun

Published: February 16, 2024
By: Según Ojo – The Star, Nigeria

The operatives of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two pastors and five other suspects who specialised in trading human parts for rituals in the state.

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, on Thursday, February 15, 2024, disclosed that a human heart and two kegs filled with human bodies were parts of exhibits recovered from the suspects.

The suspects arrested were Moses Abidemi, Oluwo Samuel, Prophet Peter Oluwalolese, Akinwunmi Ifatosin, Prophet Jamiu Yusuf, Sherif Agbai, and Osojieahen Alioneiouria.

Parading the arrested suspects at the police headquarters in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, Alamutu said they were involved in the killing of a 35-year-old woman, Sulaimon Adijat, for a ritual purpose.

He said the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of Onipanu, on January 9, received a report about the sudden disappearance of Adijat who was invited out on a date by one Adebayo Azeez in the Atan Ota area of Ogun State.

The police commissioner stated that since then Adijat had not been seen despite frantic efforts to locate her whereabouts, adding that her mobile phone had been switched off since the day she was reported missing.

Alamutu said upon the report, he gave a matching order to the officer in charge of the Anti-Kidnapping Unit to unravel the mystery behind the woman’s disappearance.

He added: “The efforts of the crack detectives from Anti-Kidnapping paid off as seven suspects who were directly involved in the killing of Sulaimon Adijat were arrested after a technical-based investigation.

“Investigation further revealed that on the 19th November 2023, Sherif Agbai and Osojeiahen Alioneouria ‘m’ contacted Oluwo Samuel Monday to perform a money ritual known as ‘Oshole’ that can produce N2 million within seven days, and Oluwo Samuel Monday charged them for the sum of N800,000 and agreed to prepare the materials for ritual.

“Oluwo Samuel Monday in furtherance of his criminal intention later contacted one Peter Oluwalolese who was not new in the trade of human parts, to source for a lady between the age of 18 years to 20 years in order to deliver her mutilated body parts, specifically the head, two breast, private part and her two wrists that will be used for money ritual.

“Peter Oluwalolese who is acclaimed pastor of a white garment church located in Ibadan, Oyo State, also contacted another colleague of his, one Prophet Jamiu Yusuf a.k.a Eri Mose in Lagos State, who is notorious for the supply of human parts for ritual purpose.

“Prophet Jamiu Yusuf further contacted one Abidemi Moses a.k.a Asela, who is an herbalist at Ata Ota, Ogun State.

“Abidemi Moses requested the sum of N600,000 to get a lady that can be used for the money ritual. Oluwo Samuel Monday negotiated for the sum of N300,000 for the human body parts. Abidemi Moses is a herbalist and he serves as an apprentice to one Adebayo Olawale Azeez now at large, to harvest human parts for sale, a business he has enjoyed the proceeds for three years.

“Hence Adebayo Olawale Azeez surreptitiously invited Sulaimon Adijat to Sunshine Hotel, Atan Ota, and she was later taken to Abidemi Moses shrine at Igbi Olomi area of Atan Ota, Ogun State. She was killed by Abidemi Moses and others now at large, and her dismembered body parts were taken to Abidemi Moses’ house at Atan Ota to meet Oluwo Sameul Moday and Prophet Peter Oluwalolese who were waiting for the arrival of the body parts.

“A search was conducted in the shrine of Abidemi Moses on the 3rd of February, 2024, and ten female handbags, two 25 litres gallons containing human parts, one axe, and two cement sacks containing human bones were recovered from his shrine at Igbo Olomi, Atan Ota.”

The police commissioner disclosed that all the arrested suspects confessed to the alleged crime and their individual roles, noting that an investigation was ongoing to arrest other fleeing suspects.

Alamutu said the case will be charged to court upon the conclusion of the investigation.

Source: Police arrest 2 pastors, 5 others with human parts in Ogun